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about this project

Perth City Centres: 2018 Analysis

This study was among a body of investigations commissioned by the City of Perth City Planning Unit to inform changes to the City Planning Scheme.

Intermethod developed a bespoke methodology for carrying out analysis for Perth city centres and delivered a comprehensive study that:

  • identified areas of activity in the City of Perth and nominated them as nine activity centres
  • established and applied performance indicators to describe how the activity centres are performing
  • suggested strategies that can improve success of these activity centres.


This study was among a body of investigations commissioned by the City of Perth City Planning Unit to inform changes to the City Planning Scheme.



The study established a bespoke approach to analysing the City of Perth’s activity centres based on detailed examination of 18 indicators and included:

  • numeric GIS based quantitative indicators
  • indicators based on field data collection (including pedestrian counts at 34 locations)
  • professional qualitative assessment.


Performance analysis was grouped into five broad themes and collated into an evaluation framework. The evaluation framework was successful at highlighting areas of strong and weak performance, covering social, environmental and economic considerations, and enabled comparison between the nine activity centres. Data analysis was supported by commentary and observations.


Based on the findings, strategic recommendations for each of the activity centres were developed. In addition, performance-led assessment was used to identify opportunities for revising and strengthening the City Planning Scheme.

Sample pages of our work

City of Perth






Social, economic and environmental city performance analysis; development and application of performance indicators, GIS data analysis, field data collection, pedestrian counts, development of the bespoke evaluation framework, stakeholder engagement, strategy development, report writing (including mapping and photography)

Policy and strategy, Social planning, Urban and regional planning