Our Area of Practice
about this project

Community Street Improvement Projects (‘Living Neigbourhoods’ Program)

Intermethod led on three community projects, funded by the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure as part of the Living Neighbourhoods grant program. The purpose of this program was to encourage local communities to develop projects and initiatives to make their streets more people-friendly and safer.

Intermethod’s role on these projects is to facilitate and project manage the process, while allowing the communities to develop their own project ideas and directions.


Typical activities by Intermethod included:


  • communications, including door to door visits, to form project community groups and update wider community of the project progress
  • facilitation of all community workshops, brainstorming sessions, creative charrettes, implementation and project launch events
  • research into precedents and case studies to help scope and develop project ideas
  • evaluation of road conditions before and after the project takes place communications and liaison with project stakeholders (local councils, DPTI, local businesses and organisations)
  • development of communication materials including posters, leaflets, project statements and media messages
  • engagement of local artists, tradespeople and contractors to provide specialist expertise
  • documentation of the process and project outcomes.

Below is a summary of the projects.


This project delivered a series of five road murals in Roopena St, Ingle Farm. The murals were developed and painted by the community members in May 2015. Traffic speeds along the street were reduced by 2.4 km/h, as a result of this project.


This project delivered a series of five road murals in Roopena St, Ingle Farm. The murals were developed and painted by the community members in May 2015. Traffic speeds along the street were reduced by 2.4 km/h, as a result of this project.


This project involved designing and painting of a road surface pattern in Longwood Road, Heathfield. The project was shaped by a local community group and was designed and delivered by Heathfield High School students. The murals were painted in December 2015.

Sample pages of our work

Local communities (funding from the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure)






project management and facilitation, concept development, engagement strategy, community engagement, face-to-face community interviews, community workshops and events, case study research, presentations, development of communication materials and reporting

Community engagement, Transport planning